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Active Edge Grip (Edge Contact) in End Effectors

In robotics, an end effector is the tool or device that is attached to the end of a robot arm and used to interact with the environment.

In the context of end effectors, active edge grip refers to the ability of the end effector to securely hold and manipulate an object using a gripping mechanism that can actively adjust to the shape and contours of the object.

Active edge grip is important because it allows for precise and reliable manipulation of objects. Without active edge grip, an end effector may not be able to securely hold an object, leading to potential errors or accidents in the manufacturing process.
In semiconductor manufacturing, active edge grip is especially important because of the small size and delicate nature of the objects being handled. Semiconductor wafers, for example, are extremely thin and fragile, and any damage to them can ruin the entire batch. Active edge grip allows end effectors to hold and manipulate these delicate objects without causing damage, ensuring the integrity of the manufacturing process.

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